Have you ever thought it would be amazing to join a mastermind group of like-minded people in your field to work on something that you care deeply about? I have participated in one such group. It was so wonderful! We met once a month and each declared a goal we wanted to work on. Then, every month, each one of us would report back to the group on how we were doing with our goal, the progress we were making toward accomplishing that goal. The group would help us if we were having difficulties, and celebrate us when we were having success.
I would like to start a mastermind group for elementary music educators. Masterminds work well with a smallish group - no more than 10 - 12 people. At the first meeting, we will discuss ideas that we want to work on - classroom management, organization, lesson planning, building community, addressing the needs of your students, whatever. We would then start in earnest the following month to solidify our goals and set our first benchmark - what we want to accomplish first toward that goal.
If that is something you might be interested in, please send me your email address and I will send your more information on how to sign up. Go to www://lessonsfromthemusicroom.com and sign up to get connected.